Alexander Nikitenko

Chief Specialist Department of Offshore Projects LLC RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft

A graduate of RSU of Oil and Gas n.a. I.M. Gubkin majoring in Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities, in 2003 presented his thesis on designing offshore oil and gas platforms (KTN).

Has more than twelve years experience in designing offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities. Worked for large engineering and oil and gas companies, among them: CJSC VNIPImorneftegaz, JSC Morneftegazproekt, JSC Lukoil, JSC TNK-VR Management.

Participated in the projects: Sakhalin 1 and Sakhalin-2, Prirazlomnoye field, Varandeys FOIROT, field n.a. Korchagin, Verkhnechonsk condensate field, etc. The author and coauthor of 18 publications.

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